In UK Clifford Chance, advised on the matter. Clifford Chance advised Helical plc with a team including Nigel Howorth (Real Estate), Ian Painter (Picture – Real...
Orion Capital Managers’ £55 Million Acquisition Of 50% Interest In Helical Plc
PureTech Health Plc’s $100 Million Tender Offer
In UK Ashurst, advised on the matter. Ashurst advised Jefferies International Limited with a team including Simon Bullock (Picture – Equity Capital Markets), Jeffrey Johnson (Equity...
National Grid’s Formation Of 50GW Infrastructure Programme “Great Grid Upgrade”
In UK Eversheds Sutherland, advised on the matter. Eversheds Sutherland advised National Grid with a team including Mark Hammerton (Employment), Tim Hill (Public Law), Tom Douglas...
Nest’s Appointment Of Northern Trust As Fund Administrator
In UK Travers Smith, advised on the matter. Travers Smith advised NEST – National Employment Savings Trust with a team including Richard Brown (Picture – Commercial...
Basware’s Acquisition Of AP Matching
In UK Keystone Law, advised on the matter. Keystone Law advised AP Matching with a team including Keith Gilbert (Picture – Corporate M&A), David Jepps (Employment),...
CallRevu’s Acquisition Of TotalCX
In UK Clifford Chance, advised on the matter. Clifford Chance advised TotalCX with a team including Neil Barlow (Picture – Corporate M&A). CallRevu, a premier entity...
Certas Energy’s Investment In Next Energy
In UK Hill Dickinson, advised on the matter. Hill Dickinson advised Next Energy Solutions Ltd with a team including Matt Noon (Picture – Corporate M&A). Next...
Calian Group’s Acquisition Of Mabway
In UK Osborne Clarke, advised on the matter. Osborne Clarke advised Mabway with a team including Damocles Merry (Picture – Corporate M&A), Anika Chandra (Tax Corporate),...
Pillsbury London office launches neurodiversity support package for employees and their families
International law firm Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman has announced the launch of a new Neurodiversity Assessment and Support package for employees in its London office. Uniquely,...
LDC’s Investment In Integrated Doorset Solution Limited Group
In UK Browne Jacobson, Keystone Law, advised on the matter. Browne Jacobson advised LDC – Lloyds Development Capital with a team including Mark Hughes (Picture –...