Moll Wendén acted as legal advisor to OXE Marine AB. OXE Marine AB (publ) finalized a recapitalisation, which included a fully secured rights issue of approximately...
OXE Marine AB’s Recapitalisation
SensoDetect Aktiebolag’s Rights Offering
Moll Wenden advised SensoDetect Aktiebolag on the deal. SensoDetect Aktiebolag completed a rights issuance of units amounting to approximately SEK 19.4 million with preferential rights to...
Scandinavian ChemoTech AB’s Shares Offering
Moll Wenden advised Scandinavian ChemoTech AB on the deal. Scandinavian ChemoTech AB completed the issuance of shares amounting to approximately SEK 14.85 million. ChemoTech is a Swedish medical...