Franklin and Lincoln International LLC advised TKH Group NV in these negotiations. Argos Wityu was advised by August Debouzy, Arsène Taxand, EY, Strategia and Axa Climate....
TKH France’s LBO
Magellim’s Acquisition of Groupe Turgot Asset Management
IN BRIEF: Agilys Avocats, Franklin, advised on the matter. Agilys Avocats advised Turgot Asset Management with a team including Baptiste Bellone (Picture – Corporate M&A). Franklin...
Medix Biochemica’s Acquisition of Diaclone
IN BRIEF: DLA Piper, Franklin, advised on the matter. DLA Piper advised Medix Biochemica with a team including Sarmad Haidar (Picture – Corporate M&A). Franklin advised...
Groupe Sprint’s Acquisition of Chabrillac
IN BRIEF: Franklin, Gide Loyrette Nouel, advised on the matter. Franklin advised Sprint Groupe with a team including Yam Atallah (Corporate M&A), Myriam de Gaudusson (Human...