Tauil & Chequer Advogados in association with Mayer Brown advised CCR Rio SP, while Machado Meyer advised Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social – BNDES...
CCR Rio SP’s R$10.75 Billion Project Financing
CCR Aeroportos’ US$815 Million Notes Offering
Pinheiro Neto Abogados advised Concessionária do Bloco Central S.A. y Concessionária do Bloco Sul S.A., while Machado Meyer Abogados advised Banco Nacional de Desarrollo Económico y...
Concessionária VLT Carioca’s R$48 Million Commercial Papers Issuance
Machado Meyer acted as legal advisor on the transaction. The transaction consisted in the first issuance of commercial papers, in a single series, issued by Concessionária VLT...
AG Properties’ R$120 Million Commercial Paper Issue
Machado Meyer advised Banco Itaú BBA and AG Properties on the transaction. AG Properties executed its issue of BRL120 million of commercial papers. Machado Meyer’s team included partner Raphael Oliveira...
Concessionária VLT Carioca’s R$72 Million Commercial Papers Issuance
Machado Meyer acted as legal advisor on the transaction. The transaction consisted in the first issuance of commercial papers by Concessionária VLT Carioca, in the total amount of...
Indigo’s R$200 Million Debentures Issuance
Machado Meyer advised Indigo, while FLH Advogados advised Banco Credit Agricole Brasil, the underwriter, in the transaction. Administradora Geral de Estacionamentos (Indigo) completed its thitd issue...
Maxxima Energia’s R$50 Million Commercial Papers Issuance
Machado Meyer acted as legal counsel on the transaction. Maxxima Energia executed its commercial papers, in a single series, in the total amount of BRL 50 million. Machado...
Indigo PareBem’s R$100 Million Debentures Offering
Veirano Advogados represented Banco Votorantim S.A., while Machado Meyer, Sendacz e Opice Advogados represented Administradora Geral de Estacionamentos S.A. in the transaction. Administradora Geral de Estacionamentos...
Concessionaire of Lines 8 and 9 of CPTM in São Paulo’s R$4,6 Billion Financing
Machado Meyer Advogados advised BNDES, while Cescon, Barrieu, Flesch & Barreto Advogados advised Concessionária das Linhas 8 e 9 do Sistema Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos on...