Hannes Snellman acted as legal counsel to Vitec Software Group AB (publ) on the deal. Vitec Software Group AB (publ) acquired the Finnish software company Roidu...
Vitec’s Acquisition of Roidu Oy
Vitec’s Acquisition of Memorix
AKD assisted Vitec Software Group with the acquisition of Memorix. Swedish Vertical Market Software provider, Vitec Software Group, has successfully completed the acquisition of Picturae ICT,...
Vitec’s Acquisition of Codea
Hannes Snellman acted as legal counsel to Vitec. Vitec Software Group AB (publ) completed the acquisition of all shares in the Finnish software company Codea Oy. Codea...
Vitec’s Acquisition of Medical Imaging Software Company Neagen Oy
Hannes Snellman acted as legal counsel to Vitec Software Group AB. Vitec Software Group AB (publ) signed an agreement to acquire all shares in the Finnish medical...
Vitec Software Group AB’s Acquisition of Enova
AKD advised Vitec Software Group on its successful bid for and acquisition of Enova. Vitec Software Group AB (publ) strengthened its position in Vertical Market Software...
Vitec Software Group’s SEK 834 Million Shares Private Placement
Hannes Snellman has advised Vitec Software Group AB on the deal. The Nordic software company Vitec Software Group AB, listed on Nasdaq Stockholm (Large Cap), annouced...
Vitec Software Group’s Acquisition of Oy Raisoft Ltd
Hannes Snellman advised Vitec Software Group on the deal. Swedish Vitec Software Group AB (publ) acquired the entire share capital of the Finnish software company Oy...
Vitec Software AB’s Refinancing and Extension of its Loan Facilities
Hannes Snellman advised Vitec Software Group on the deal. Vitec Software Group AB annunced its refinancing and extension of its loan facilities from SEK 1,000 million to...
Vitec Software Group AB’s SEK 920 Million Shares Private Placement
Hannes Snellman advised Vitec Software Group AB on the deal. White & Case Advised Nordea and Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken. The Nordic software company Vitec Software Group...
Vitec Software Group AB’s Acquisition of Nordman & Co
Hannes Snellman acted as counsel to Vitec Software Group AB in the transaction. Vitec Software Group AB announced the acquisition of Nordman & Co, a Swedish software...