Demarest advised Kinea on the deal. 4Road closed the acquisitio of a relevant stake in Rotas do Brasil from Kinea funds. Rotas do Brasil is Kinea’s investment...
4Road’s R$500 Million Acquisition of a Stake in Rotas do Brasil
Inspira’s Acquisition of Comunidade Educacional O Pequeno Principe
Demarest advised the shareholders of Comunidade Educacional O Pequeno Principe on the transaction. Inspira executed the acquistion of Comunidade Educacional O Pequeno Principe, a pre-school and...
Coopercitrus Cooperativa de Produtores Rurais’s US$7,5 Million Acquisition of Shares in Agroallianz
Demarest advised Grupo DVA on the deal. Grupo DVA, through its subsidiary in Spain, Cerrado Elfriede Industries S.L., executed the sale of 15% of its shares...
CENESUP’s Sale of 29.40% of the Capital Stock of Hospital Sao Francisco de Barreiras
Demarest advised Ser Educacional on the transaction. Ser Educacional executed the sale, through its subsidiary CENESUP – Centro Nacional de Ensino Superior Ltda., of an equity stake...
RD Station’s R$51 Million Acquisition of Exact Desenvolvimento e Programação de Software and Magic Write Software
Demarest advised RD Gestão e Sistemas S.A. on the deal. RD Gestão e Sistemas S.A. (“RD Station”), a company of TOTVS S.A. group, in the direct...
Louis Dreyfus Company Brasil’s Acquisition of Sociedade Portuária de São Paulo
Demarest advised Hédera Investimentos e Participações, while Lobo de Rizzo Advogados represented Louis Dreyfus Company Brasil in the transaction. Hédera Investimentos e Participações announced the sale...
Merger of Centro de Ensino Superior Piauiense, CIESPI-Centro Integrado de Educação Superior do Piauí and Sociedade de Ensino Superior Piauiense
Demarest advised Ser Educacional in the merger In order to simplify the organizational structure, the accounting and corporate practices, Ser Educacional executed the merger of its subsidiaries: Centro de Ensino Superior...
Solum Partners’ Sale of Rural Properties in the State of Pará
Demarest advised Solum Partners in the deal. Solum Partners announced the sale of rural properties in the State of Pará and the execution of the usufruct...
Campinas/SP’s Lighting Network Public Tender
Demarest advised Consorcio CONECTA Campinas on the public tender The City of Campinas/SP awarded to Consorcio CONECTA Campinas the public lighting network Project. Consorcio CONECTA Campinas includes Proteres...
Acquisition of Cemitério Park de Hortolândia
Demarest advised the selling shareholders. Coimbra Chaves advised the buyer on the transaction. Companhia Brasileira de Cemitérios e Crematórios executed the acquisition of Cemitério Park de Hortolândia...
Ser Educacional’s Acquisition of Delinea Tecnologia Educacional Ltda
Demarest advised Ser Educacional on the transaction Ser Educacional S.A. (B3 SEER3), one of the largest private education groups in Brazil and leader in the Northeast...
Mosaico’s Acquisition of Vigia de Preço Assets
Demarest advised Mosaico on the transaction Mosaico executed the acquisition of Vigia de Preço assets in Brazil. Vigia de Preço delevoped a platform in order to compare prices...