Allen & Overy advised the bank syndicate on the deal. Gide advised Veolia Environnement and Vigie. In connection with the merger of Vigie (ex-Suez) into Veolia...
Vigie’s Merger With Veolia Environnement
Veolia Environnement’s €500 Million Issuance of Subordinated Bonds for an Amount of EUR 500 Million
IN BRIEF: Gide Loyrette Nouel, advised on the matter. Gide Loyrette Nouel advised Veolia NV-SA with a team including Hubert du Vignaux (Picture – Debt Capital...
Veolia NV-SA’s Acquisition of Upgrade Bio Energy
Liedekerke advised Veolia NV-SA on the deal. Veolia NV-SA acquired the organic waste biogas plant: Upgrade Bio Energy, enabling Veolia’s expansion of its scope of activities...