Allen & Overy assisted The Riverside Company, while the sellers were supported by Ethica Group, Gatti Pavesi Bianchi Ludovici, Deloitte and by Alonzo Committeri & Partners....
The Riverside Company’s Acquisition Of Majority Interest In BioDue S.p.A.
Bregal Milestone’s €100 Million Investment In InfoCert
IN BRIEF: Andersen, Cappelli RCCD, Franzosi Dal Negro Pensato Setti, Gianni & Origoni, LabJus, advised on the matter. Andersen advised Bregal Milestone with a team including...
Bregal Milestone’s €100 Million Investment In InfoCert
Andersen advised European Private Equity fund Bregal Milestone, LabJus y Cappelli Rccd represented Bregal Milestone and Tinexta was represented by Gianni & Origoni. Private Equity fund...