Veirano Advogados advised Claro S.A., and the Lead Underwriter UBS Brasil Corretora de Câmbio, Títulos e Valores Mobiliários S.A. on the offering. Claro S.A. executed its...
Claro’s R$1.5 Billion Debentures Offering
Katrium’s R$240 Million Debentures Issuance
Demarest advised Katrium Industrias Quimicas S.A., Itaú BBA and USB BB in the offering. Katrium Industrias Quimicas S.A. (“Katrium”) announced its second issuance of debentures, amounting to...
Movida’s R$1 Billion Debentures Issuance
Mattos Filho represented Movida Participações, while Tauil & Chequer Advogados, in association with Mayer Brown, represented the underwriters in the issuance. Movida announced its eighth issuance of...
Bondinho’s R$100 Million Debentures Offering
Veirano Advogados advised Companhia Caminho Aéreo Pão de Açúcar, while Cascione Advogados advised Banco Itaú BBA S.A.; UBS Brasil Corretora de Câmbio, Títulos e Valores Mobiliários...
Vibra Energia’s $274 Million Notes Offering
Demarest advised Vibra Energia on the offering. Stocche Forbes advised Banco Itaú S.A. and UBS Brasil Corretora de Câmbio, Títulos e Valores Mobiliários S.A. on the...
Tecnologia Bancária’s $56.3 Million Notes Offering
Veirano advised Tecnologia Bancária S.A. on the transaction. Stooche Forbes advised Banco Bradesco BBI S.A., Banco Itaú BBA S.A., Banco Santander (Brasil) S.A., Caixa Econômica Federal;...
Companhia de Eletricidade do Estado da Bahia’s $141.4 Million Notes Offering
Machado Meyer advised Companhia de Eletricidade do Estado da Bahia – Coelba on the offering. Cescon, Barrieu, Flesch & Barreto advised UBS Brasil Corretora de Câmbio,...
Companhia Energética de Pernambuco – Celpe’s $88.4 Million Notes Offering
Machado Meyer advised Companhia Energética de Pernambuco – Celpe on the transaction. Cescon, Barrieu, Flesch & Barreto advised UBS Brasil Corretora de Câmbio, Títulos e Valores...
Rumo SA’s $229 Million Notes Offering
Lefosse advised Rumo SA on the transaction. Pinheiro Guimarães advised Banco Itaú BBA S.A. and UBS Brasil Corretora de Câmbio, Títulos e Valores Mobiliários S.A. acting...
Sigmanet Comunicação Multimídia’s $36.3 Million Notes Offering
Pinheiro Neto acted as deal counsel on the transaction Sigmanet Comunicação Multimídia executed its offering of $36.3 million notes. UBS Brasil Corretora de Câmbio, Títulos e Valores...
Progen’s R$120 Million Debentures Offering
TozziniFreire Advogados advised UBSBB and Bradesco, while Vaz, Buranello, Shingaki e Oioli Sociedade De Advogados advised Progen Projetos Gerenciamento e Engenharia S.A. Progen Projetos Gerenciamento e...