Lefosse acted as legal counsel to Mobly S.A., while Pinheiro Neto Advogados advised Tok&Stok on the transaction. Mobly S.A. executed the acquisition of Estok Comércio e...
Mobly’s R$914 Million Acquisition of Tok&Stok
Magazine Luiza’s R$300 Million Debentures Offering
Lefosse Advogados advised Magazine Luiza on the transaction. Magazine Luiza S.A. executed its 12th issuance of non-convertible debentures, in a single series in the total amount...
VLI Multimodal’s R$1 Billion Debentures Offering
Mello Torres Advogados represented VLI Multimodal, while Cescon Barrieu advised the lead underwriter, Banco Itaú BBA, on the offering. VLI Multimodal completed its R$1 billion public offering of...