Setterwalls advised Integrum AB on the deal. Integrum AB has executed a private placement of approximately SEK 50 million through a new issue of 961 539...
Integrum’s Shares Offering
Micropower Group’s Acquisition of Swede Electronics
Setterwalls advised Micropower Group AB on the transaction. Micropower Group AB secured the acquisition of all shares in Swede Electronics AB. Swede Electronics AB designed its...
Flerie’s Share Offering
Setterwalls advised Flerie on the deal. Flerie AB secured a directed share issue of approximately SEK 607 million to Swedish and international institutional investors. Flerie is...
Indecap’s Acquisition of PriorNilsson
Setterwalls assisted Indecap on the deal. Indecap secured the acquisition of Prior Nilsson, a leading Nordic fund management company. Indecap is owned by 34 of Sweden’s...
InDex Pharmaceuticals’ Conditional Reverse Merger of Flerie Invest AB
Setterwalls advised InDex Pharmaceuticals on the deal. InDex Pharmaceuticals Holding AB (publ) finalized a conditional reverse merger of Flerie Invest AB. The merger is executed through...
Briox’s Rights Offering
Setterwalls assisted Briox on the offering. Briox AB, listed on NGM Nordic SME, finalized a rights issuance of shares. Briox is a SaaS company that makes...
EG Sverige’s Public Takeover Bid to Mestro
Setterwalls advised Mestro on the deal. EG Sverige AB completed a public takeover bid to the shareholders of Mestro AB to transfer all of the shares in...
Balder’s Shares Offering
Setterwalls advised Fastighets AB Balder on the offering. Fastighets AB Balder completed a directed share issue of approximately SEK 1.2 billion to AMF and Swedbank Robur....
Space Production’s Acquisition of Dohrns Exhibitions & Events
Setterwalls advised Space Production AB on the transaction. Space Production completed the acquisition of a majority of the shares in Dohrns Exhibitions & Events AB. Dohrns Exhibitions...
Göteborgs Hamn’s Permit Application for Skandia Gateway
Setterwalls assisted Göteborgs Hamn AB on the deal. Göteborgs Hamn AB finalized the permit application for water activities in terms of widening and deepening the entrance...
Förvaltnings AB Framtiden’s Acquisition of Building Rights from Balder and Serneke
Setterwalls advised Doxa and Serneke in the deal. Doxas wholly owned subsidiary Serneke divested together with Balder approximately 151 000 square meters of development rights in...
Miss Mary’s Refinancing Agreement with Sparbanken Sjuhärad
Setterwalls assisted Miss Mary group on the deal. Miss Mary group signed a refinancing agreement with Sparbanken Sjuhärad AB. The group’s new financing solution contains certain term facilities...