Marval O’Farrell Mairal acted as a legal advisor in the transaction. The transaction consisted in the creation of the “ELEBAR” Program and in the issuance of...
‘Elebar VI’ Financial Trust’s US$1,5 Million Issuance
‘Elebar V’ Financial Trust’s ARS757 Million Issuance
Marval O’Farrell Mairal acted as a legal advisor on the transaction. The transaction consisted in the creation of the “ELEBAR” Program and the issuance of fiduciary...
‘Elebar IV’ Financial Trust’s US$2.6 Million Issuance
Marval O’Farrell Mairal acted as a legal advisor on the transaction. The transaction consisted in the creation of the “ELEBAR” Program and on the issuance of fiduciary...
Elebar III Financial Trust’s US$1,4 Million Issuance
Marval acted as legal advisor on the transaction. The transaction consisted in the creation of the “ELEBAR” Program and on the issuance of fiduciary securities corresponding to...
Elebar I’s $2.52 Million Notes Offering
Marval O’Farrell Mairal acted as legal counsel on the transaction Elebar I financial trust executed its offering of $2.52 million notes. Santa Mónica S. A. acted as...
Tarjeta Elebar XXIX Financial Trust’s $3.18 Million Notes Offering
Marval O’Farrell Mairal acted as legal counsel on the transaction Tarjeta Elebar XXIX Financial Trust executed its offering of $3.18 Million notes. Santa Mónica S. A. acted...
Santa Mónica SA’s $820.000 Notes Offering
Cerolini & Ferrari acted as legal counsel on the transaction Santa Mónica S.A. (DBA ELEBAR®) executed its offering of $820.000 2% notes due 2022. Banco CMF...