Schoenherr advised the Managers on the deal, and Wolf Theiss Rechtsanwälte GmbH & Co KG advised Erste Group Bank AG as issuer’s counsel. Erste Group Bank...
Erste Group’s Mortgage Pfandbriefe Issuance
Erste Group Bank’s €750 Million Callable Fixed to Floating Rate Green Preferred Senior Notes Offering
Wolf Theiss advised Erste Group Bank AG on the deal. Erste Group Bank AG finalized a successful issuance of EUR 750 million Fixed to Floating Rate...
Bulgarian-American Credit Bank AD’s Subordinated Notes Offering
Wolf Theiss advised Bulgarian-American Credit Bank AD on the deal. Bulgarian-American Credit Bank AD successfully closed the private placement of Subordinated Notes in the aggregate principal...
Raiffeisen Banka Beograd’s MREL Bonds Offering
Wolf Theiss advised International Finance Corporation (IFC) on the offering. International Finance Corporation (IFC) secured the subscription of RSD 2.3 billion MREL bonds in the Serbian...