SCP Piwnica, Molinié represented the Grand port maritime de Marseille. SARL Matuchansky, Poupot, Valdelièvre represented the company Can. The company Can requested the administrative court of...
Dispute over Dredging Works Contract between Can and the Grand Port Maritime of Marseille
Loos v. Enedis: Concession Dispute over Distribution of Electricity
SCP Rocheteau, Uzan-Sarano and Goulet, lawyer for the town of Loos. SCP Piwnica, Molinié, represented the company Enedis. The case between the town of Loos and...
La Ferme Enfantine Asked For EUR 40 000 TVA Reimbursement
SCP Piwnica, Molinié was the lawyer for the company La Ferme Enfantine. The company La Ferme Enfantine requested the Toulon Administrative Court to repay a value-added...
CARCO Requests Annulment of ACPR’s Decision on Recovery Plan
SCP Piwnica, Molinié was the lawyer for CARCO. SCP Rocheteau, Uzan-Sarano and Goulet was the lawyer for the ACPR. La Caisse de Retraite Complémentaire des Employés...