Marval O’Farrell Mairal acted as legal advisor to the transaction. The transaction consisted in the issuance of the fifth series of the “Waynimóvil” financial trust for...
‘Waynimóvil V’ Financial Trust’s ARS476 Million Issuance
VIZRT’s Acquisition of Flowics
Marval O’Farrell Mairal advised VIZRT, while TCA advised Flowics on the deal. VIZRT, a leading company in the business of visual storytelling tools for media content...
‘Mercado Credito XXI’ Financial Trusts’ US$7.5 Million Issuance
Marval acted as legal advisor on the transaction. The transaction consisted in the issuance of the twenty first series of financial trusts “Mercado Crédito”, for a total...
‘Mercado Crédito Consumo XXXI’ Financial Trusts’ US$20 Million Issuance
Marval O’Farrell Mairal acted as legal advisor on the transaction. The transaction consisted in the issuance of the 31st series of financial trusts “Mercado Crédito Consumo,”...
Aluar Aluminio Argentino’s US$100 Million Secured Notes Issuance
Bomchil advised Aluar, Marval O’Farrell Mairal acted as external legal advisor to the Placement Agents, while Linklaters and Alston & Bird served as legal advisor to...
CNHI Capital’s $53 Million Notes Offering
Marval O’Farrell Mairal has advised CNH Industrial Capital Argentina, while Pérez Alati Grondona Benites & Arntsen has advised the placement agents on the deal. CNH Industrial...
Edenor’s $100 Million Notes Offering
Marval O’Farrell Mairal acted as counsel to Edenor, while TCA Tanoira Cassagne acted as counsel to the Placement Agents on the offering. Empresa Distribuidora y Comercializadora...
‘Elebar V’ Financial Trust’s ARS757 Million Issuance
Marval O’Farrell Mairal acted as a legal advisor on the transaction. The transaction consisted in the creation of the “ELEBAR” Program and the issuance of fiduciary...
‘Mercado Crédito Consumo XXX’ Financial Trusts’ US$15.3 Million Issuance
Marval O’Farrell Mairal acted as legal advisor on the transaction. The transaction consisted in the issuance of the thirtieth series of financial trusts “Mercado Crédito Consumo,”...
CNH Industrial Capital Argentina’s US$53 Million Notes Offering
Marval O’Farrell Mairal acted as counsel to CNHI Capital, while Pérez Alati, Grondona, Benites & Arntsen acted as counsel to the Placement Agents in the offering....
Mercado Crédito Consumo’s US$14,31 Million Debt Issuance
Marval O’Farrell Mairal acted as legal advisor on the transaction. The transaction consisted in the issuance of the 29th series of trust securities corresponding to the financial...
Mercado Crédito Consumo XXVIII’s US$14,37 Million Debt Issuance
Marval O’Farrell Mairal acted as legal advisor on the transaction. The transaction consisted in the issuance of Mercado Crédito Consumo XXVIII trust securities for a total of...