WTW acted as the lead advisor to the trustee for this transaction, while Sackers served as legal advisor, with additional legal advice provided by Walkers. Pacific...
Yorkshire and Clydesdale Bank Pension Scheme’s Longevity Hedge with Pacific Life Re and ZAL
ProKidney’s Combination With Social Capital Suvretta Holdings Corp. III
Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz acted as legal advisor to SCS. Davis Polk & Wardwell and Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C, Matheson, Akin...
Barclays Bank UK Retirement Fund’s £5 Billion Longevity Swap
Walkers has acted as Bermuda counsel for Barclays Pension Funds Trustees Limited in the recent GBP5 billion longevity swap transaction between the Barclays Bank UK Retirement...