Marval O’Farrell Mairal acted as legal advisor to the transaction. The transaction consisted in the issuance of the 8th series of the Waynimovil financial trust for...
‘Waynimovil VIII’ Financial Trust’s US$2 Million Issuance
Red Mutual Program’s Extension
Marval O’Farrell Mairal advised Asociacion Mutual Union Solidaria and Banco Voii SA on the transaction. The transaction consisted in the time extension of the RED MUTUAL...
‘AMES XXIV’ Financial Trust’s US$1,1 Million Issuance
Marval O’Farrell Mairal acted as legal advisor in the transaction. The transaction consisted in the issuance of fiduciary securities corresponding to the “AMES XXIV” Financial Trust,...
‘Waynimóvil VI’ Financial Trust’s US$1.5 Million Issuance
Marval O’Farrell Mairal acted as legal advisor to the transaction. The transaction consisted in the issuance of the sixth series of the “Waynimóvil” financial trust for...