Allens advised the lenders on the deal. BCI Minerals secured a $981 million financing for the Mardie Salt Project (the Mardie Project), marking a significant milestone...
BCI Minerals’ $981 Million Financing for Mardie Salt Project
Leichardt Industrials Group’s Acquisition of the Lake MacLeod Salt and Gypsum Operation
Allens advised Dampier Salt Limited on the deal. Dampier Salt Limited signed a joint venture agreement with Rio Tinto (68%), Marubeni Corporation (22%) and Sojitz (10%), on the...
Rio Tinto’s Joint Venture with Wright Prospecting Pty Ltd
Allens has advised Rio Tinto on the modernisation of a 50:50 joint venture with Wright Prospecting Pty Ltd, assisted by Clayton Utz. Rio Tinto (50 per...
Iluka Resources’ Eneabba Rare Earths Refinery Funding
Allens advised Iluka Resources on its entry into a risk sharing arrangement under the Australian Government’s $2 billion Critical Minerals Facility, administered by Export Finance Australia....