Ellex advised Trigon Capital on the deal. Trigon Capital finalized the acquisition of one of Estonia’s largest agricultural companies, Estonia Farmid, which the entrepreneur plans to...
Trigon Capital’s Acquisition of Estonia Farmid
Operail’s Business Privatization
Ellex team in Estonia advised the privatization of Operail’s business. State-owned company AS Operail sold its business operations along with its subsidiary Operail Repairs OÜ for...
InfraVia’s Acquisition of Vindr Group
Ellex advised InfraVia on the deal. InfraVia executed the acquisition of shares in Vindr Group, which develops wind farms in Norway, Sweden and Estonia. InfraVia Capital...
Gren’s Acquisition of VKG Soojus
Ellex advised Gren on the transaction, while Cobalt represented VKG Soojus. Gren signed an agreement to acquire the heating network operator VKG Soojus AS, the next...
Sunly’s €200 Million Raising Fund
Sorainen advised Sunly on the deal. Ellex and Linklaters advised Mirova. Sunly raised around €200 million to build and expand its renewable energy portfolio in the Baltics...
Enefit Green’s €175 Million Initial Public Offering
Shearman & Sterling and Sorainen advised Citigroup, Nordea and Swedbank as joint global coordinators and joint bookrunners in the IPO. Ellex advised Enefit Green and its...