Demarest advised Banco Modal S.A. on the transaction Opea Securitizadora executed its offering of certificates of real estate receivables backed by AXS Energia real estate credits. Banco...
AXS Energia’s Offering of Certificates of Real Estate Receivables
Sunlight Energia Renovável e Participações’ Offering of Certificates of Real Estate Receivables
Demarest acted as legal counsel on the transaction True Securitizadora S.A. executed the offering of Serie 463 and 464 Certificates of Real Estate Receivables of We Trust in Sunlight Energia Renovável...
Jive Asset and JIC ‘s $25.5 Million Disposal of Assets
Demarest Advised Jive Asset Gestao de Recursos Ltda. and Jive Investments Consultoria S.A. on the transaction Jive Asset Gestão de Recursos LTDA and Jive Investments Consultoria...
FIP Jive Equity and XP Managers Fundo de Investimento em Participações Multiestratégia’s Acquisition of a minority interest in Jive Investments Consultoria SA.
Demarest advised Credit Suisse Hedging-Griffo Corretora de Valores SA acting as advisor on the transaction. The firm also advised XP Managers Fundo de Investimento em Participações...
Loft II Fundo de Investimento Imobiliário’s $57 Million Fundraising
Demarest advised Loft Brasil Tecnología Ltda. on the transaction Loft Brasil Tecnología Ltda. executed the launch of Loft II Fundo de Investimento Imobiliário. Loft Brasil Tecnologia Ltda....