Skadden, Paul Weiss and Chiomenti advised Investindustrial on the deal, while Latham & Watkins has advised Pentafin S.p.A., 7-Industries has been assisted by Clifford Chance as...
Automation Systems’ Acquisition of Piovan S.p.A.
Fiber Bidco and Fiber Midco (Fedrigoni)’s Bonds Offering
The law firms Latham & Watkins, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison, Pirola Pennuto Zei & Associati, Facchini Rossi Michelutti, PedersoliGattai and Milbank provided assistance on...
Fedrigoni (Fiber Bidco)’s High-Yield Floating Rate Bond Offering
The law firms Latham & Watkins, Paul Weiss, Pirola Pennuto Zei & associati, PedersoliGattai and Milbank acted in the issuance and refinancing of the debt. Fiber...
Apollo cede il 6.4% di Lottomatica per un corrispettivo di €152 milioni
Latham & Watkins ha assistito Gamma Intermediate nella vendita. Gamma Intermediate, società costituita per conto dei fondi di investimento gestiti da Apollo Management IX, hanno perfezionato...
Centurion BidCo’s €385 Million Bond Offering
Latham & Watkins represented the initial purchasers in the offering. Centurion BidCo S.p.A. announced the offering of €385 million aggregate principal amount of senior secured fixed rate...
Lottomatica Group’s €2.26 Billion Initial Public Offering
Latham & Watkins and Foglia & Partners advised Lottomatica, while Linklaters advised the banks involved. Paul Weiss advised Lottomatica and Gamma Topco. Lottomatica Group announced its...
EuroGroup Laminations S.p.A.’s Initial Public Offering On Euronext Milan
Latham & Watkins and Maisto e Associati advised EuroGroup Laminations, while Linklaters advised the joint global coordinators and joint bookrunners. Legance advised Tikehau Capital. EuroGroup Laminations,...
Italmatch Chemicals S.p.A.’s €690 Million Bond Offering
Latham & Watkins, Pirola Pennuto Zei & Associati, Milbank LLP and Gattai Minoli & Partners advised the parts involved in the bond offering. Italmatch Chemicals S.p.A....
Enel S.p.A.’s $4 Billion Sustainability-Linked Bond Offering
White & Case and Tremonti Romagnoli Piccardi e Associati advised Enel Group on the offering, while Latham & Watkins advised the joint bookrunners. Enel Group executed...
Enel Finance International N.V.’s $3.5 Billion Sustainability-Linked Bond Offering
Shearman & Sterling, Maisto e Associati andNa utaDutilh advised Enel, while Latham & Watkins advised the banks in the offering. Enel Finance International N.V. (EFI), the...
Saipem S.p.A.’s €2 Billion Capital Increase And €855 Million New Financing
IN BRIEF: BonelliErede, Chiomenti, Clifford Chance, Gattai, Minoli, Partners, Latham & Watkins, advised on the matter. BonelliErede advised Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) with a team...
Flutter Entertainment’s €1.913 Billion Acquisition of Sisal
Latham & Watkins and Facchini Rossi Michelutti have advised CVC and Sisal in the transaction. Chiomenti, Arthur Cox and Simpson Thacher & Bartlett have advised Flutter...