Clifford Chance has advised Grenergy Renovables on the deal. Grenergy Renovables, a listed renewable energy producer and specialist in the development, construction and management of photovoltaic,...
CantourGlobal (KKR)’s Acquisition Of Oasis de Atacama Project From Grenergy
Grenergy’s Financing Of Phase 3 Of Atacama’s Oasis Project
Clifford Chance has advised Grenergy on the financing. Grenergy has completed the financing of phase 3 of Atacama’s Oasis project, which comprises 230 MWp of solar...
Grenergy’s Acquisition Of 1GW Chilean Solar Portfolio From Repsol-Ibereólica
Clifford Chance advised Grenergy on the deal. Grenergy Renovables acquired a solar power assets from its peers Ibereólica and Repsol for $128 million in northern Chile,...
Grenergy’s Financing Of “Oasis de Atacama” Solar And Battery Storage Project
Clifford Chance has advised Grenergy on the financing. Grenergy has completed the financing of phase 1 and 2 of Oasis de Atacama, comprising 220 MWp of...
Engie Energía Perú’s Acquisition of Shares from Grenergy Renovables
Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría Peru has represented Grenergy Renovables on the transaction. Grenergy Renovables in the sale of 100% of the shares of GR...
Grenergy Renovables’ $157 Million Green Loan Granted by Banco Santander
Watson Farley & Williams advised Grenergy Renovables on the deal. Grenergy Renovables obtained a US$157m green loan granted by Banco Santander and backed by Spanish ECA CESCE. The...
Allianz Capital Partners’ Acquisition of 300MW Solar Portfolio From Grenergy Renovables
Clifford Chance has advised Grenergy Renovables on the sale. Grenergy Renovables, a listed renewable energy player specialising in the development, construction and management of photovoltaic, wind...
Grenenergy’s $148 Million Green Financing of Solar Parks in Chile
Clifford Chance has advised Grenergy Renovables on the deal. Grenergy Renovables announced the senior financing for a total amount of 148 million dollars, including other complementary credit...
Grenergy Renovables’ Financing Construction of Photovoltaic Power Plants in Chile
Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría has represented Grenergy Renovables, sponsor in the transaction. Clifford Chance acted as New York counsel to the co-borrowers; Garrigues, as...
Grenergy’s €83 Million Sale of 150 MW Solar Farm in Spain
Clifford Chance has advised Grenergy on the deal. Grenergy, a renowned renewable energy company specializing in the development, construction, and management of solar, wind, and storage...
Grenergy Renovables’ Acquisition of Remaining 60% Stake in Sofos Harbert Renewable Energy
Clifford Chance has advised Grenergy Renovables on the deal. Grenergy Renovables (Grenergy), one of the largest Spanish renewables groups, on its acquisition of a 60% stake...
Grenergy’s Acquisition of Los Caballeros and Medina renewables Energy Projects
Posse Herrera Ruiz advised Grenergy on the transaction Grenergy signed an asset purchase and sale agreement with Grupo Solari, acquiring “Los Caballeros” and “Medina”: two renewable energy projects...