Watson Farley & Williams (“WFW”) has obtained the suspension of payments requested by Italian electricity transmission grid operator Terna from ATS Power before the Italian Council...
ATS Power S.r.l. v. Italian Authority For Energy ARERA And Rete Elettrica Nazionale
Dussmann Service S.r.l. v. Trenitalia S.p.A. And Roma Multiservizi S.p.A. Consorzio Stabile CMF
IN BRIEF: Legance, Lipani Catricalà & partners, Morbidelli Bruni Righi Traina, Zoppini Studio Legale, advised on the matter. Legance advised Trenitalia with a team including Alessandro...
Ryanair Dac v. Italian Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea Protection, Regione Lazio, Aeroporti di Roma S.p.A.
IN BRIEF: Nunziante Magrone, Zoppini Studio Legale, advised on the matter. Nunziante Magrone advised Wizz Air Hungary Ltd. with a team including Simone Gambuto (Public Law)....
Samsic Italia S.p.a., Gestione Servizi Integrati S.r.l. And Il Poliedro Soc. Coop. v. Rekeep S.p.A., Euro&Promos Fm S.p.A. And La Cascina Global Service S.r.l.
IN BRIEF: Adami, Luciani Studio Legale, Mastragostino Studio, Merani Vivani e Associati, Ristuccia & Tufarelli, Zoppini Studio Legale, advised on the matter. Adami advised Markas srl...
Rekeep S.p.A. v. Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Mater Domini, Gravili S.r.l. And Graded S.p.A.
IN BRIEF: Eversheds Sutherland, Gualtieri-Verbaro, Luciani Studio Legale, Mastragostino Studio, Quinto, Sticchi Damiani, Zoppini Studio Legale, advised on the matter. Eversheds Sutherland advised Graded S.p.A., Siram...
Italgas Reti S.p.A. v. Italian Competition Authority (A/540 Case)
IN BRIEF: Gianni & Origoni, Zoppini Studio Legale, advised on the matter. Gianni & Origoni advised Italgas Reti S.p.A. with a team including Piero Fattori (Picture...