IN BRIEF: FVF Associati, Gianni & Origoni, advised on the matter. FVF Associati advised Res Pharma Industriale (RPI) with a team including Alfredo Frangini (Corporate M&A),...
Sharon Laboratories, Ltd.’s Acquisition Of Res Pharma Industriale S.r.l.
Holding Industriale (Hind)’s Acquisition Of 50% Interest In Valmor S.r.l.
IN BRIEF: Gianni & Origoni, advised on the matter. Gianni & Origoni advised Hind S.p.A, Holding Moda with a team including Gabriele Ramponi (Picture – Corporate...
ByMyCar’s Acquisition Of BMW Italia Retail S.r.l.
IN BRIEF: Gianni & Origoni, advised on the matter. Gianni & Origoni advised BYmyCar with a team including Davide Braghini (Real Estate), Kathleen Lemmens (Picture –...
ABK Group Industrie Ceramiche SpA’s Acquisition Of Desvres SA
IN BRIEF: Ascari & Soci, Gianni & Origoni, LS Lexjus Sinacta, Macchi Di Cellere Gangemi, advised on the matter. Ascari & Soci advised ABK Group Industrie...