Castren advised Origa Care Properties Oy on the deal. Origa Care Properties Oy secured a financing arrangement of a real estate portfolio containing 13 properties. The...
Origa Care Properties’ Financing Arrangement
Nrep’s Financing for Residential Construction Project at Arabia Shopping Centre
Castren assisted Nrep on the deal. Nrep secured a financing arrangement for the residential building, together with corporate and real estate arrangements related to the project....
Avesco’s Acquisition of Vatupassi Törmälä
Castrén & Snellman Attorneys advised Avesco AG on the transaction. Avesco AG acquired all the shares in Vatupassi Törmälä Oy. Vatupassi Törmälä Oy is a Finnish...
Global Net Lease’s Refinancing Agreement
Castrén & Snellman Attorneys Ltd advised Global Net Lease, Inc. on the deal. Global Net Lease, Inc. completed the refinancing of its EUR 74 million Senior Term...
Destia Oy’s Financing Round
Castrén & Snellman Attorneys Ltd assisted Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank Helsinki Branch on the deal. Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank Helsinki Branch secured...
Mérieux Equity’s Acquisition of Labquality
Castrén & Snellman Attorneys Ltd advised Mérieux Equity Partners on the deal. Mérieux Equity Partners completed the acquisition of a majority stake in Labquality through a...
MVC Mobile VideoCommunication’s Merger with Elisa Videra
Castrén & Snellman Attorneys advised KLP Vermögensverwaltungs on the deal. KLP Vermögensverwaltungs combined its German subsidiary MVC Mobile VideoCommunication with Elisa Videra, a subsidiary of Elisa...
Nrep’s Green Financing Agreement with Noli Studios
Castren advised Nrep on the deal. Nrep completed a financing arrangement for Noli Studios co-living premises in the Herttoniemi residential area of Helsinki. Nrep strengthens the provision...
NREP’s Financing of Noli Studios Co-Living Premises in Otaniemi
Castrén & Snellman advised NREP on the deal. Hannes Snellman advised Mandatum Asset Management Ltd. NREP entered into a financing arrangement for the construction and development of...
Intera Partners’ Buy-Out Acquisition of HögforsGST
Castrén & Snellman advised Intera Partners on the deal. Intera Partners announced the buy-out acquisition of a heating and cooling system group HögforsGST. There is an increasing...
Helen And Bank of Åland’s Wind Power Fund’s Acquisition of Kalistanneva Wind Farm
Castrén & Snellman advised the group formed by Helen Ltd and the Bank of Åland’s Wind Power Fund Non-UCITS. White & Case and Krogerus advised VALOREM...
Evli Healthcare I Ky’s € 161,26 Million Refinancing Arrangement
Castrén & Snellman advised SEB on the deal. SEB concluded a EUR 161,260,000 refinancing arrangement for Evli Healthcare I Ky. Evli Healthcare I Ky is a Finnish...