As part of the transaction, the law firm Hogan Lovells assisted Very Fast People, while Osborne Clarke assisted the credit institution. PwC TLS took care of...
Saffi 130 S.r.l.’s Securitization Of A Credit Portfolio ‘EcoSismaBonus’ Of Very Fast People S.r.l.
Banca Valsabbina S.p.A.’s Securitization Of A Credits Portfolio
IN BRIEF: Hogan Lovells, advised on the matter. Hogan Lovells advised Banca Valsabbina S.C.p.A. with a team including Corrado Fiscale (Picture – Debt Capital Markets). Read...
Mercedes-Benz Financial Services Italia’s €560 Million STS Securitization
IN BRIEF: Hogan Lovells, advised on the matter. Hogan Lovells advised BNP Paribas, Mercedes-Benz Financial Services Italia S.p.A., UniCredit Bank AG with a team including Federico...
Mercedes-Benz Financial Services Italia’s €560 Million STS Securitization
Hogan Lovells has provided legal assistance and acted as transaction counsel on the new public Italian securitisation of Mercedes-Benz Financial Services Italia. The securitised assets were...
Santander Consumer Bank S.p.A.’s €505 Million STS Securitization Of Credits
IN BRIEF: Hogan Lovells, Jones Day, advised on the matter. Hogan Lovells advised Santander Consumer Bank S.p.A. with a team including Federico Del Monte (Picture –...
Santander Consumer Bank S.p.A.’s €505 Million STS Securitization Of Credits
Hogan Lovells advised Santander Consumer Bank S.p.A. while Jones Day advised Banco Santander Sa on the deal. Santander Consumer Bank S.p.A. announced a new securitisation of receivables...
Banca Valsabbina S.p.A.’s €1.4 Billion Securitization Of A Credits Portfolio
IN BRIEF: Hogan Lovells, advised on the matter. Hogan Lovells advised Banca Valsabbina S.C.p.A. with a team including Corrado Fiscale (Picture – Debt Capital Markets). Read...
Sigla S.r.l.’s Securitization
IN BRIEF: Hogan Lovells, Jones Day, advised on the matter. Hogan Lovells advised BNP Paribas, Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A., Société Générale with a team including Federico Del...
UniCredit Group’s €500 Million Securitization Of Fiscal Credit Portfolios Of Eco-Sisma-SuperEcosisma Bonus
Hogan Lovells has advised the UniCredit Banking Group in EBS Finance, the first securitisation programme of tax claims deriving from the Eco-Sisma-Super-Bonus. The Eco-Sisma-Super-Bonus is a...
brumbrum S.p.A.’s €65 Million Securitization
Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe and Gatti Pavesi Bianchi Ludovici represented brumbrum, Hogan Lovells advised Oaktree and P&G SGR while Banca Finint was assisted by Legance. brumbrum,...