TozziniFreire Advogados represented CEMIG D Distribuição S.A. (“CEMIG D”) and Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais (“CEMIG”) on the deal, while Mattos Filho, Veiga Filho, Marrey Jr....
Cemig’s R$2.5 Billion Sustainable Bonds Offering
Urca Hedge Fund Real Estate Strategy Real Estate Investment Fund’s Formation and Issuance of Quotas
TozziniFreire Advogados advised Urca, Banco Daycoval and Guide on the transaction. The transaction consisted in the formation of the Urca Hedge Fund Real Estate Strategy Real...
Sparta’s R$999 Million Quotas Issuance
TozziniFreire advised Sparta, while Cescon, Barrieu, Flesch & Barreto Advogados advised the underwriters in the transaction. Sparta annpounced the 6th issuance of quotas of the Fund,...
Sparta’s R$250 Million Investment Funds Follow-On
TozziniFreire Advogados advised Sparta, RBI and BTG Pactual, while Monteiro Rusu advised Itaú BBA S.A. on the transaction. The transaction consisted of the Follow-On that relates to...
Asset Bank FIAGRO Fund’s R$12 Million Initial Public Offering
TozziniFreire Advogados represented Guide Investimentos, Azumi and Asset Bank in the transaction. The offering comprises the initial public offering of Asset Bank FIAGRO Fund. Guide Investimentos...
Canal’s R$50 Million Real Estate Receivables Certificates Offering
TozziniFreire Advogados advised ABC Brasil, Canal and RTDR (holding of EMBRAED Group) on the offering. Canal announced the the public offering of Real Estate Receivables Certificates (Certificados...
Faro Energy’s R$320 Million CRI Issuance
TozziniFreire Advogados advised Faro Energy, FERP, FED and SPEs, while Machado Meyer Advogados advised the underwriters. The transaction consisted in the public offering of Real Estate...
Canal’s R$40 Million CRI Issuance
TozziniFreire Advogados acted as deal counsel in the offering. Canal executed the public offering of Real Estate Receivables Certificates, in the total amount of BRL 40 million. The...
RecargaPay Receivables Fund’s R$70 Million Initial Public Offering
TozziniFreire Advogados has advised Milenio, Singulare, RecargaPay IP and RP SCD on the transaction. The offering comprises the initial public offering of RecargaPay Receivables Fund, targeted...
OPEA Securitizadora’s R$100 Million Debentures Issuance
TozziniFreire Advogados represented Sugoi, while Negrão Ferrari Advogados represented Modal in the transaction. OPEA Securitizadora executed the offering of the first and second series of social real estate receivables...
Gaia Impacto Securitizadora’s R$14,7 Million Real Estate Receivables Certificates Issuance
TozziniFreire Advogados advised Gaia on the deal. Gaia, a securitization company, execute its thirty-three issuance of Real Estate Receivables Certificates (CRI) in the total amount of BRL 14,750,000.00. The...
Progen’s R$120 Million Debentures Offering
TozziniFreire Advogados advised UBSBB and Bradesco, while Vaz, Buranello, Shingaki e Oioli Sociedade De Advogados advised Progen Projetos Gerenciamento e Engenharia S.A. Progen Projetos Gerenciamento e...