TozziniFreire Advogados advised Itaú BBA and XP Investimentos, while Monteiro Rusu advised Sparta and BTG Pactual on the transaction. The transaction consisted in the 5th Issuance...
Sparta’s R$1 Billion Follow-On Offering
Sparta’s R$187,5 Million Quotas Issuance
TozziniFreire Advogados adviesse Sparta, while Monteiro, Rusu, Cameirão e Bercht Advogados advised the underwriters on the transaction. Sparta announced the third issuance of quotas of Sparta...
K-FIDC’s R$36 Million Initial Public Offering
TozziniFreire Advogados has advised Koin Administradora de Cartões e Meios de Pagamento S.A., as assignor and collection agent, Vert and Genial in the offering. Machado Meyer...
Canal’s R$100 Million Real Estate Receivables Certificates Issuance
TozziniFreire advised Canal, Embraed, Genial Investimentos and Banco Genial on the transaction. Canal executed its public offering of real estate receivables certificates, in two series, in...
Sparta FIAGRO’s €5.5 Million Fundraising
TozziniFreire´s advised Sparta Administração de Recursos and BTG Pactual Serviços Financeiros on the process. Sparta Administração de Recursos and BTG Pactual Serviços Financeiros completed the establishment...
Ilog Tecnologia’s Round Funding
TozziniFreire and Foley Lardner acted as external counsel to the fund sponsored by Naia Capital (Naia Zetta Venture) and Ilog Tecnologia. log Tecnologia executed executed its...
Insumos Milenio Terramagna Fundo de Investimento’s R$39,96 Million Public Offering
TozziniFreire Advogados acted on the deal. Terra Investimentos Distribuidora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários Ltda. acted as lead coordinator and distributor of the Fund’s quotas, Milenio Capital...
Gaia Impacto Securitizadora’s BRL 5 Million ESG Real Estate Receivables Certificates
TozziniFreire Advogados advised Gaia Impacto Securitizadora S.A. and Magik JC Empreendimentos Imobiliários e Construções Ltda. in the deal. The offering, valued BRL 5,011,350.00, involved the issuance of...
Rotam’s R$60 Million Receivables Investment Fund
TozziniFreire Advogados advised Rotam, while Pinheiro Neto Advogados advised XP and VERT on the deal. Rotam do Brasil Agroquímica e Produtos Agrícolas Ltda. (Rotam) executed the...