Homburger, Davis Polk and Chiomenti advised Dufry on the deal, while Lenz & Staehelin and BonelliErede assisted Edizione. Gianni & Origoni and PwC TLS advised Autogrill...
Dufry’s Strategic Combination With Autogrill
CDP Equity, Leonardo, Sogei and TIM’s Public-Private Partnership Proposal For The Creation Of The National Strategic Hub
IN BRIEF: BonelliErede, Chiomenti, Fraccastoro, Grimaldi Studio Legale, advised on the matter. BonelliErede advised TIM SpA with a team including Emanuela Da Rin (Project), Luca Perfetti...
Wind Tre, Fastweb, Telecom Italia and Vodafone v. Italian Competition Authority
IN BRIEF: BonelliErede, Cesare San Mauro, Chiomenti, Cintioli & Associati, Clarich Studio Legale, Libertini Mario, Lipani Catricalà & partners, Orsingher Ortu – Avvocati Associati, advised on...
Gowan Company’s Acquisition Of Piemme S.r.l., The Controlling Shareholder Of Isagro S.p.A.
IN BRIEF: BonelliErede, LCA Studio Legale, advised on the matter. BonelliErede advised Gowan Company with a team including Stefano Brunello (Tax M&A and Deal Advisory), Raffaele...