Wenger Vieli advised RoomPriceGenie on the deal. RoomPriceGenie, a leading provider of revenue management systems (RMS) for independent hotels and groups, announced its USD 75 million...
RoomPriceGenie’s $75 Five Elms Capital’s $75 Million Investment in RoomPriceGenieInvestment Round
Jakob Müller Holding’s Acquisition of Buss Group
Wenger Vieli advised Jakob Müller Holding on the acquisition of Buss Group. Jakob Müller Holding, a globally active, family-owned industrial company, acquired the Buss Group, a...
Similarweb’s Acquisition Of 42matters
Wenger Vieli advised the shareholders of 42matters on the deal. Similaweb acquired 42matters, a leading provider of analytics and insights for mobile apps. The strategic partnership promises...
Juniper Group’s Acquisition Of Alturos
Wenger Vieli advised the shareholders of Alturos on the sale. Juniper Group, an operating group of Vela Software and Constellation Software, Inc. (TSX:CSU), completed the acquisition...
Mobil in Time’s Acquisition Of Bilfit
Wenger Vieli advised Mobil in Time on the deal. Mobil in Time, a leader in mobile energy solutions and expert in water damage restoration, has completed...
Tango’s Acquisition of Locatee AG
Walder Wyss acted as Swiss legal advisor for Tango and its US legal advisor Frost Brown Todd LLP. Wenger Vieli acted for Locatee. Tango, a leading...
CarbonPool’s $12 Million Seed Financing Round
Wenger Vieli acted as legal advisor to CarbonPool on the financing. MLL Legal advised Vorwerk Ventures and HCS Capital CarbonPool completed its $12 million Seed financing round. The...
Verium AG’s Acquisition of Minority Stake in Impact Acoustic
Wenger Vieli advised Verium on the deal. Zurich-based Verium AG has acquired a “significant minority stake” in Impact Acoustic AG. According to a statement from the...
EDGE Group PJSC’s Acquisition of 52% Stake in Anavia
Wenger Vieli advised the shareholders of Anavia on the deal. EDGE Group, one of the world’s leading advanced technology and defence groups, has announced the acquisition...
SWISS KRONO Group’s Acquisition of Argolite
Wenger Vieli advised SWISS KRONO Group on the deal. SWISS KRONO Group, a globally renowned manufacturer of wood-based materials, completed the acquisition of Argolite. This acquisition...
Henke Sass Wolf’s Acquisition of Zünd Group
Wenger Vieli advised Zünd Group on its sale. Zünd Group, consisting of Zünd Präzisionsoptik and its subsidiary Optivac, global leaders in the field of micro-optics, has...
List Technology’s Acquisition of BBA Innova
Wenger Vieli has advised List Technology on the deal. List Technology has acquired BBA Innova with the aim of a targeted portfolio expansion into the belt...