Lefosse advised CELSE – Centrais Elétricas de Sergipe and ENEVA, while Stocche Forbes Advogados advised the underwriters on the offering. CELSE – Centrais Elétricas de Sergipe...
Centrais Eletricas de Sergipe’s R$5 Billion Debentures Issuance
Iochpe-Maxion’s R$700 Million Debentures Issuance
Lefosse acted as counsel for Iochpe-Maxion S.A., while Pinheiro Guimarães acted as counsel for Banco Itau BBA S.A. on the transaction. Iochpe-Maxion S.A. announced its issuance of...
CBV – Centro Brasileiro de Visao’s R$150 Million Debentures Issuance
Machado Meyer acted as legal advisor on the transaction. CBV – Centro Brasileiro da Visão executed its second issuance of simple debentures, in the total amount of BRL...
EcoRioMinas Concessionária de Rodovias’ R$400 Million Debentures Issuance
Lobo de Rizzo advised EcoRioMinas, while Lefosse advised the underwriters on the transaction. EcoRioMinas Concessionária de Rodovias executed its offerign of simple debentures, for the amount...
Solfácil’s R$400 Million Quotas Issuance
Lobo de Rizzo Advogados advised Solfácil Energia Solar Tecnologia e Serviços Financeiros, while Machado Meyer acted as legal advisor to Banco Itaú BBA in the transaction....
Soneva Energias Renovaveis’ R$6.76 Billion Debentures Offering
Pinheiro Neto advised Soneva and Mubadala Capital, while Machado Meyer advised the underwriter on the offering. Soneva Energias Renováveis executed its first issuance of debentures, in the total...
Companhia de Agua e Esgoto do Ceara’s R$100 Million Commercial Notes Offering
VBSO Advogados acted as legal advisor on the offering. Companhia de Água e Esgoto do Ceará – CAGECE executed its BRL 100 million offering of commercial notes. Banco...
Asaas II FIDC’s R$42.5 Million Public Offering
Machado Meyer advised Itaú BBA on the structuring of the Asaas II Credit Rights Investment Fund. Banco Itaú BBA acted as bookrunner of the offer. Oliveira...
Movida’s R$579 Million Real Estate Receivables Certificates Issuance
Mattos Filho Advogados and Tauil & Chequer Advogados in association with Mayer Brown advised on the offering. Opea Securitizadora announced the public offering of Real Estate...
Furnas’ R$3.5 Billion Notes Offering
Stocche Forbes advised Furnas, while Cescon Barrieu advised the underwriters on the offering. Furnas – Centrais Elétricas announced the issuance of unsecured commercial notes, in five...
Farmers First I Fundo de Investimento’s R$57 Million Quotas Issuance
Pinheiro Neto Advogados advised the fund, while Lefosse acted as legal counsel for the lead underwriter on the issuance. Farmers First I Fundo de Investimento em...
Aço Verde do Brasil’s R$20 Million Debentures Issuance
Lefosse represented Aço Verde do Brasil S.A. and Banco Itaú BBA S.A. on the transaction. Ac?o Verde do Brasil S.A. (“AVB”) executed the 3rd issuance of non-convertible debentures, in a...