Bär & Karrer advised Axpo Holding on the deal. Axpo Holding AG purchased an additional 4.6% of the shares in CKW AG from Anna Holding AG....
Axpo Holding AG’s Acquisition Of Additional 4.6% Stake in CKW AG
Axpo Holding AG’s CHF250 Million Sustainability-Linked Samurai Loan
Niederer Kraft Frey advised Axpo Holding AG on the deal. Axpo Holding AG completed a JPY 42,000,000,000 (around CHF 250,000,000) Samurai loan for the financing of...
Volkswind GmbH (Axpo Holding AG)’s Sale od Three French Wind Farms
Watson Farley & Williams advised Volkswind GmbH, a subsidiary of Switzerland’s Axpo Holding AG. Volkswind GmbH, a subsidiary of Switzerland’s Axpo Holding AG, saled three French wind...
BVK’s Acquisition of Minority Stake in Axpo Volt Beteiligung AG From Axpo
Niederer Kraft Frey advised Axpo Holding AG on the sale of a minority stake in Axpo Volt Beteiligung AG to BVK. Axpo Volt Beteiligung AG, which...
Fluxys and Enagás’ €210 Million Acquisition of 5% of Stake in Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP)
Schellenberg Wittmer advised Axpo Solutions AG on the deal, while Baker McKenzie Switzerland represented Enagás and Fluxys. Axpo has agreed the sale of its 5% stake...
Cubico’s Stake Acquisition in Parque Eólico La Peñuca
Bird & Bird has advised Cubico Sustainable Investments Spain on the deal. Watson Farley & Williams has advised Axpo Services AG. Cubico Sustainable Investments, a global investor...
Axpo Holding AG’s Sale of Shares in Repower AG
CMS advised Axpo Holding AG on the deal. Axpo Holding AG sells its 12.69 % stake in Repower AG to the co-shareholders Canton of Graubünden, Elektrizitätswerke...
Axpo’s €2.5 Billion Sustainability Linked Credit Facilities
Bär & Karrer advised Axpo Holding AG on the deal. Mayer Brown represented ING Bank as sole coordinator, documentation and facility agent. Axpo Holding AG has...
R. Power’s PPA With Axpo
Clifford Chance advised R. Power on the deal, while Wolf Theiss advised Axpo. R. Power, one of the fastest-growing large-scale solar energy developers in Europe, negotiated...
Axpo’s CHF 500 Million Sustainability-Linked Bond Placement
Niederer Kraft Frey advised Axpo Holding AG on the deal. Axpo Holding AG announced the placement of a CHF 500 million bond. The bond is issued...
Axpo’s Public Procurement Procedure
Stek has successfully represented Axpo Solutions AG in a preliminary ruling procedure regarding a public procurement. The contracting authority, a consortium of ten organisations including several...