Accura advised OrderYOYO in connection with the transaction. OrderYOYO A/S (“OrderYOYO”) has accepted an offer from Pollen Street Capital Limited (“Pollen Street Capital”) to acquire all...
Pollen Street Capital’s Acquisition of OrderYOYO
Napatech’s Raising Fund
Accura advised Napatech A/S on the deal. The Danish company Electricity Maps raised EUR 5 million in an investment round led by the climate funds Transition...
Luxion Group’s Tender Offer Agreement with Digizuite
Accura advised Luxion and GRO Capital on the deal. Luxion Group ApS, a portfolio company under GRO Capital, completed a public tender offer to the shareholders...
Alm. Brand’s DKK 10.47 Billion Rights Offering
Accura advised Alm. Brand in connection with the transaction. Bech-Bruun advised J.P. Morgan, Nordea, SEB and Danske Bank Alm. Brand has launched a rights issue, offering...
Spar Nord Bank’s Mandatory Takeover Bid For The Shares of Danske Andelskassers Bank
Moalem Weitemeyer advised the Board of Danske Andelskassers Bank. Accura advised Spar Nord Bank. Spar Nord Bank A/S submitted a mandatory takeover bid to the shareholders of...
OrderYOYO’s Listing on Nasdaq First North Growth Market Denmark
Accura advised OrderYOYO on the deal. OrderYOYO has been admitted to trading on Nasdaq First North Growth Market Denmark with today being the first trading day....
Alm. Brand’s $2.52 Billion Acquisition of Codan’s Danish Business
Accura advised Alm. Brand in connection with the transaction. Bech-Bruun advises J.P. Morgan, Nordea and SEB. Scandi JV Co 2 A/S, which is co-owned by Intact...
Evaxion Biotech A/S’ $30 Million Initial Public Offering
Accura was local counsel for Oppenheimer & Co. who was lead underwriter in connection with the ADS listing. Mazanti advised Evaxion Biotech. The Danish biotech company...