Setterwalls advised Norconsult on the deal. Norconsult Sverige AB secured the acquisition of all shares in the consulting firm Sigma Civil AB. Sigma Civil AB is...
Norconsult’s Acquisition of Sigma Civil AB
Out of Home AB’s Acquisition of Smålands Skafferi AB
Setterwalls advised Out of Home AB on the deal. Out of Home AB (publ) secured the acquisition of all shares in Smalands Skafferi AB. Out of...
Thunderful Group’s Divestment of its Distribution Business
Setterwalls assisted Thunderful Group on the deal. Thunderful Group AB (publ) announced its intention to implement a restructuring program to strengthen its long-term competitive position. As...
Space Production’s Acquisition of Dohrns Exhibitions & Events
Setterwalls advised Space Production AB on the transaction. Space Production completed the acquisition of a majority of the shares in Dohrns Exhibitions & Events AB. Dohrns Exhibitions...
Pamica Group’s Acquisition of Alltronic Aktiebolag
Setterwalls assisted Pamica Group AB on the deal. Pamica Group AB completed the acquisition of 90.1 percent of the outstanding shares in the technology company Alltronic...
Pamica Group’s Acquisition of Freys Express
Setterwalls advised Pamica Group AB on the deal. Pamica Group AB completed the acquisition of Freysgruppen AB, a leading Swedish moving and relocation services supplier. Freysgruppen AB...
Pamica Group’s Acquisition of Improd AB
Setterwalls assisted Pamica Group AB on the deal. Pamica Group AB completed the acquisition of 90,1 percent of the outstanding shares in Improd AB, a leading Swedish...
Pamica Group’s Acquisition of Shares in Alfa Scandinavia
Pamica Group was advised by Setterwalls. Pamica Group AB has, via a BidCo, entered into a share sale and purchase agreement regarding the acquisition of all...
Husvård Group Norden AB’s Acquisition of Tectorius AB
Setterwalls has assisted Husvård Group Norden AB in connection with its subsidiary’s acquisition of 91 percent of the outstanding shares in Tectorius AB. The acquisition was...
Pamica Group AB’s Acquisition of Logiwaste International AB
Setterwalls has assisted Pamica Group AB in the deal. Pamica Group AB announced its acquisition of all of the outstanding shares in the international environmental technology...
People People People AB’s Acquisition of 91% of Shares in av HIROY AB
Setterwalls has assisted People People People AB in the deal. People People People AB announced the acquisition of 91 percent of the outstanding shares in HIROY AB....
Amo Toys’ Acquisition of TecTeam
Setterwalls assisted Amo Toys in the transaction. AMO Toys AB reached an agreement of acquiring the entire business from TecTeam Scandinavia AB with annual sales of...