Demarest advised Grupo DVA on the deal. Grupo DVA, through its subsidiary in Spain, Cerrado Elfriede Industries S.L., executed the sale of 15% of its shares...
Coopercitrus Cooperativa de Produtores Rurais’s US$7,5 Million Acquisition of Shares in Agroallianz
Akzo Nobel’s Acquisition of Assets from Mactra Indústria e Comércio
Demarest advised Akzo Nobel in the transaction. Akzo Nobel Ltda. executed the acquisition of assets related to the production of waterproofing and painting products from Mactra...
Neo Steel’s Acquisition of Magna car seats business in Brazil
Idevan Lopes Advocacia & Consultoria Empresarial advised Neo Steel on the transaction. Demarest advised Magna do Brasil. Neo Steel – operating as a ABG Group Subsidiary...
Bayer AG’s $63.9 Million Sale of Schering do Brasil
Demarest advised Bayer AG and Bayer do Brasil on the transaction Bayer AG and Bayer do Brasil executed the $63.9 million diisposal of Schering do Brasil....