Carey and Linklaters represented Caja Los Andes, while Cuatrecasas represented the lenders in the transaction. Caja de Compensación de Asignación Familiar Los Andes obtained a loan from...
Caja de Compensación de Asignación Familiar Los Andes’ US$145 Million Credit Facility
Actis GP’s Multisource Financing Transaction in Chile and Brazil
Cuatrecasas has advised Actis GP on the deal. Actis GP and its related companies announced a multisource financing transaction that involved entering into a loan agreement subject...
Americar’s Acquisition of 30% of Portillo
Cuatrecasas represented nversiones Entrepuertos, Mauricio Smith y Cia. and Inversiones Las Rosas in the transaction. Entrepuertos, Mauricio Smith y Cía. and Inversiones Las Rosas announced the...