Linklaters advised PGGM on the deal. Gide, counsel to the consortium of investors composed of Hy24, PGGM, Bpifrance, and Mirova. PGGM, a major Dutch pension fund...
Elyse Energy’s €120 Million Funding Round
Mirova’s EUR 96 Million Investment in Girasole Energies
Gide advised Mirova on its investment in the new solar IPP. Girasole Energies was advised by De Gaulle Fleurance & Associés. Mirova invests €96 million in...
Verso Energy’s EUR 50 Million Fundraising
Gide has advised Eiffel Investment Group and AMS Capital in their investment in the capital of Verso Energy. Eiffel Investment Group and AMS Capital were also...
Vauban Infrastructure Partners’ Investment in Paprec Group
Linklaters advised Vauban Infrastructure Partners on the deal. Gide advised Crédit Agricole. Vauban becomes the second largest shareholder of the Paprec group with a 20% stake,...
Puerto Antioquia’s $674 Million Project
Cuatrecasas and Clifford Chance advised Bancóldex, Davivienda, FDN, BID, BID Invest and the China-LAC Cooperation Fund on granting financing for the construction, operation and maintenance of...
Marguerite’s Investment in Keon SA
IN BRIEF: Gide Loyrette Nouel, advised on the matter. Gide Loyrette Nouel advised Marguerite II SCSp with a team including Marie Bouvet-Guiramand (Project), Alexis Pailleret (Picture...
Sun’R’s €30 Million Funding Round
IN BRIEF: Gide Loyrette Nouel, advised on the matter. Gide Loyrette Nouel advised Bpifrance, Idia Capital , RGreen Invest SAS, Sofilaro with a team including Paul...