Nell’operazione, Verbund è affiancata dallo Studio Parola Associati mentre Legance ha agito per Ke Reninvestment. Conclusa la procedura competitiva di vendita di Ica One, società titolare...
Verbund’s Acquisition Of Ica One From Ke Reninvestment
Sunprime Group’s €150 Million Project Financing
Watson Farley & Williams assisted the Sunprime group, while the lending banks availed themselves of the advice of Legance and Gleiss Lutz. The Sunprime group, through...
SR Investimenti’s Acquisition Of 12 Photovoltaic Plants In Apulia, Italy
Prothea acted as exclusive financial advisor to SR, while GOP acted as legal advisor and Kiwa Moroni & Partners as technical advisor. The Lender was supported...
Windrose Holding (Whysol Group)’s €135 Million Green Loan Refinancing Of Its Renewable Plants
IN BRIEF: Gianni & Origoni, Legance, advised on the matter. Gianni & Origoni advised Whysol, Windrose Holding S.r.l. with a team including Ottaviano Sanseverino (Finance). Legance...