Mäkitalo acted as legal advisor to Puhuri Oy and its SPV, Piipsan Tuulivoima Oy in the deal. The wind power projects Tuulikaarto and Piipsa are currently...
Puhuri Oy’s Wind Power Projects Tuulikaarto and Piipsa Development
Suomen Hyötytuuli Oy’s Alajoki-Peuralinna Wind Farm Project
Mäkitalo advised Suomen Hyötytuuli Oy on the deal. Suomen Hyötytuuli Oy is building a wind farm of seven wind turbines in the municipality of Perho. Perho...
Vantaan Energia Oy’s Contaminated Wood Waste Project
Mäkitalo acted as an advisor to Vantaan Energia Oy in the deal. Vantaan Energia Oy announced a Contaminated Wood Waste project, where the company is developing and...