Demarest advised Jive Investments on the deal. Brazilian energy company Enauta has announced its acquisition by 3R Petroleum. The transaction will result in the creation of...
3R Petroleum’s Acquisition of Enauta
Talos’ Acquisition of Skolem
Fenwick & West represented Talos in the transaction. Talos announced its acquisition of Skolem, a technology provider that enables institutional investors to access decentralized finance (DeFi)...
Keystone Realtors’ Qualified Institutions Placement
Trilegal advised Keystone Realtors Limited on the deal. Keystone Realtors Limited secured its qualified institutions placement of equity shares aggregating to INR 8,000 million (“QIP”). Rustomjee...
The Estee Lauder Companies’ Acquisition of DECIEM Beauty Group
Lowenstein Sandler advised The Estee Lauder Companies Inc. on the deal. The Estee Lauder Companies Inc. (ELC) completed the acquisition of the Canadian-based, multi-brand company DECIEM...
Harness’ Acquisition of Split Software
Cooley served as U.S. counsel to Harness with DLA Piper Argentina advising under Argentine law, while Gunderson Dettmer Stough Villeneuve Franklin & Hachigian advised Split Software....
Aruma Resources Limited’s Acquisition of a Portfolio of Copper and Uranium Exploration Assets
Piper Alderman assisted Aruma Resources Limited on the deal. Aruma Resources Limited acquired a portfolio of copper and uranium exploration assets in tier-1 mineral precincts in...
Banco de Servicios Financieros’ Update of the Prospectus of its Notes Global Program
Cerolini & Ferrari advised Banco de Servicios Financieros S.A. on the transaction. Banco de Servicios Financieros S.A. (“BSF”) announced the update of the prospectus of its...
Oaktree’s Acquisition of Inter Milan Football Club
Sidley Austin and Loyens & Loeff represented GLAS in its capacity as Agent and Security Agent in the transaction. Oaktree Capital announced the acquisition of the...
Guzman y Gomez’s Initial Public Offering
Gilbert + Tobin advised Guzman y Gomez on the offering. Guzman y Gomez (GYG), one of Australia’s most well-known and fastest growing QSR businesses, completed its...
UFV Yuma Energia 5’s R$20 Million Commercial Notes Issuance
Lefosse acted as deal counsel in the transaction. The transaction consisted in the first issuance of commercial notes, in a single series, of UFV Yuma Energia...
Miro’s Acquisition of Cardinal
Sidley Austin advised Cardinal on the transaction. Miro announced the acquisition of Cardinal. Cardinal is an opinionated feature backlog platform that pulls in customer feedback, CRM...
Brightstar Resources’ Takeover of Linden Gold Alliance
G+T advises Linden Gold Alliance on the deal. Linden Gold Alliance Limited (Linden) secured a reverse takeover of Linden by Brightstar Resources Limited. Linden is a...