IN BRIEF: August & Debouzy, advised on the matter. August & Debouzy advised Holcim with a team including Alexandra Berg-Moussa (IP&IT), Laure Bonin (Finance), Vincent Brenot…
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Holcim’s Acquisition of PRB

Tagged: Alexandra Berg-Moussa Alexandre Bay Alexandre Dumortier Antoine Boullet August & Debouzy Benjamin van Gaver Charles Maurel David Neuwirth Emmanuel Le Galloc’h Florence Chafiol François Pochart Geoffroy Thill Héloïse Jardel Holcim Julien Wlodarczyk Juliette Vachet Laure Bonin Ludovic de Talancé Marc-Antoine Picquier Nicolas Quoy Paul Raffournier Philippe Durand Renaud Christol Valéry Denoix de Saint Marc Vincent Brenot

Author: Naoual Sadouqi
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