Clifford Chance was legal adviser to CPI Property Group. Allen & Overy advised Apollo Global Management, Inc.The deal involved the subscription by funds (the “Apollo Funds”) managed…
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CPI Property Group’s EUR 300 Million Subscription of Shares by Apollo

Tagged: Alex Cook Allen & Overy Andreas Hommel Apollo Global Management Benjamin Dahan Christian Hilmes Christian Kremer Clifford Chance CPI Property Group David Oppenheimer Franz Kerger Jacques Graas James Funder Jana Trhlikova Jean Schaffner Konrad Kanaan Krystyna Fatyga Louis Mamère Lucie Cerna Lukas Vond?ich Marc Van Heerden Marcus Grühn Martin Bytcanek Michal Matera Mira Zimmermann Nico Feuerstein Peter Banks Petr Vybíral Petra Mysakova Philipp Klöckner Pierre Schleimer Piotr Przybylski Pol Theisen Samara Hiscock Sophie Balliet Stefanie Ferring Sybille Vieille-Cessay Sylvie-Anne Bond Tomas Kafka Tomáš Procházka Udo Prinz Vladimir Rylich Yolanda-Alma Ghita-Blujdescu

Author: Giulia Di Palma
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