Nicholson y Cano Abogados acted as legal counsel on the deal. Banca Ética Latinoamericana announced the launch of a crowdlending platform to finance companies and organizations with...
Banca Ética Latinoamericana’s Launch of Crowdlending Platform
Iyuno’s Acquisition of Unidub Brazil
BVA – Barreto Veiga Advogados advised Unidub, while Loeser e Hadad Advogados advised Iyuno on the transaction. Unidub Brazil, a well-known dubbing studio in Brazil, and...
Hotmart’s Acquisition of Reshape
Lacerda Diniz Sena Advogados advised Hotmart, while Bronstein, Zilberberg, Chueiri e Potenza Advogados advised Reshape on the deal. Hotmart, a Brazilian platform that allows creators to...
Ruta de la Araucania’s US$20 Million Financing
Larrain y Asociados advised Banco de Chile, Banco del Estado de Chile and Banco Itaú Chile, while Morales & Besa advised Ruta de la Araucania the...
EYSA’s Acquisition of Serbet
Bronstein, Zilberberg, Chueiri e Potenza Advogados and FKG Advogados advised EYSA, while Veirano Advogados advised Serbet on the deal. EYSA, Spanish technology company dedicated to sustainable...
Hypera’s R$600 Million Debentures Issuance
Demarest advised the placement agents in the transaction. Hypera S.A. executed the public offering of 600,000 debentures, not convertible into shares, unsecured, in a single series, amounting...
Quantinuum’s $300 Million Equity Fundraise
Conyers and Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer US acted as external legal counsel. O’Melveny advised Mitsui & Co., Ltd. on the transaction. Honeywell (NASDAQ: HON) announced the closing of...
Establishment Labs’ $50 Million Private Placement
Conyers, working alongside O’Melveny & Myers LLP, acted for Establishment Labs Holdings Inc. on the offering. Establishment Labs Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ: ESTA), a global medical technology...
Vela Software’s Acquisition of Servcom
Nunes Costa Advogados advised Vela Software, while Gotlib Massara Rocha Advogados advised the private shareholders owners of Servcom Serviços de Computação on the transaction. Vela Software,...
Ache Laboratorios Farmaceuticos’ R$500 Million Real Estate Receivables Certificates Issuance
Stocche Forbes Advogados advised Aché Laboratórios Farmacêuticos, while Machado Meyer advised the coordinators Banco Itaú BBA, Banco Santander (Brasil) on the transaction. The transaction consisted in...
Terras de Santana de Parnaiba’s R$30 Million CRI Issuance
Melcheds assisted Terras de Santana de Parnaiba in the transaction. NFA Advogados assisted the issuer. Terras de Santana de Parnaiba Empreendimentos Imobiliários, a company from Arqos...
AXS Energia Unidade 05’s Debentures Issuance
Pinheiro Neto Advogados acted as legal advisor on the transaction. AXS Energia Unidade 05 executed the first issuance of simple debentures, non convertible into shares, in single...