Portaluppi Guzmán y Bezanilla, Mijares, Angoitia, Cortés y Fuentes, Ramírez, Gutiérrez-Azpe, Rodríguez-Rivero y Hurtado and Creel, García- Cuéllar, Aiza y Enríquez advised on the deal Celulosa...
Celulosa Arauco y Constitución’s $245 Million Acquisition of Masisa S.A.
Cultivos Yadran’s $49.2 Million Amended and restarted credit facility
Carey and Morales & Besa advised on the transaction Cultivos Yadran S.A. rinegotiates terms of a $49.2 Million Syndicated Credit Facility with Itaú Corpbanca, Banco del...
FOVISSSTE’s $258 Million Credit Facility
Chávez Vargas Abogados advised on the transaction Fondo de la Vivienda del Instituto de seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado (FOVISSSTE) secured a...
Laboratorios Richmond’s $28 Million Initial Public Offering
Pérez Alati, Grondona, Benites, Arntsen & Martínez de Hoz (h) and Tanoira Cassagne advised on the transaction Laboratorios Richmond S.A.C.I.F. finalized the initial public offering of...
Saba Estacionamientos de Chile S.A.’s $33 Million Debts Refinancing
Carey, Cuatrecasas and Morales & Besa advised on the transaction Saba Estacionamientos de Chile S.A. finalized a $33 Million debts refinancing Through the Assignment of receivables...
Algorta Norte’s $71.2 Million Amended Credit Agreement
Guerrero Olivos advised on the transaction Algorta Norte S.A. rinegotiates a $71.2 Million Credit Facility with Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, Banco de Crédito e Inversiones and...
Banco de Córdoba’s $45 Million Notes Offering
Tavarone, Rovelli, Salim & Miani and Tanoira Cassagne advised on the transaction Banco de Córdoba S.A. finalized the offering of $45.8 Million Notes. Banco de Galicia...
Inca Rail’s $43 Million Corporate Bonds Private Placement
Payet, Rey, Cauvi, Pérez Abogados and Miranda & Amado advised on the transaction Inca Rail S.A.C., finalized the offering of $43 notes. Scotiabank Perú S.A.A. and...
PIMCO’s Acquisition of a nominal amount of $308 Million BNP Paribas credits with the State of Rio de Janeiro
Pinheiro Neto and Morrison & Foerster advised on the transaction Pacific Investment Management Company LLC (PIMCO), finalized the acquisition of a nominal ammount of $308 Million...
International Tug’s $42 Million Syndicated Loan
Milbank, Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría, Icaza, González-Ruiz & Alemán, Veirano, Paul Hastings, Gómez-Pinzón, Creel, García-Cuéllar, Aiza y Enríquez and De Castro & Robles advised...
Los Portales’s $13.9 Million Notes Offering
Lazo, De Romaña & CMB Abogados advised on the transaction Los Portales finalized the offering of $13.97 Notes part of the $30 Million Medium Term Notes...
Pan American Energy LLC and Parque Eólico del Sur S.A. secured a $50 Million Loan
Pérez Alati, Grondona, Benites, Arntsen & Martínez de Hoz (h) advised on the transaction Pan American Energy LLC’s Argentinian subsidiary and Parque Eólico del Sur S.A....