Ritch, Mueller, Heather y Nicolau acted as deal counsel on the transaction Gas Natural México S.A. de C.V., operating as a subsidiary of Gas Natural Fenosa...
Gas Natural México S.A. de C.V.’s $189 Million Notes Offering
InBrands S.A.’s Partnership with IMM Part Ltda.
Stocche Forbes Advogados and DC Associados advised on the deal InBrands S.A. signed a Joint-venture agreement with IMM Part Ltda. in order to design and develop...
Inkia Energy’s Financing the development of Agua Clara Wind Farm
Milbank, Jiménez Cruz Peña and Squire Patton Boggs advised on the transaction IC POWER DR OPERATIONS, S.A.S., operating as a subsidiary Inkia Energy Ltd. secured financing...
Enel’s $3.8 Billion corporate reorganisation in Chile
Carey, Winston & Strawn, Cariola, Díez, Pérez-Cotapos, Garrigues, Davis Polk & Wardwell advised on the transactions Enel Chile S.A. and Enel Generación Chile S.A. adopted resolutions...
Kroton Educacional S.A.’s Acquisition of Centro Educacional Leonardo Da Vinci
Vella Pugliese Buosi Guidoni and Bergi Advocacia and André Teixeira & Associados advised on the deal Kroton Educacional S.A. finalized the acquisition of Centro Educacional Leonardo...
Workana’s $7 Million Serie C Round Funding
Cerolini & Ferrari Abogados advised Workana S.A. on the deal Workana S.A. executed its Serie C Round Funding with SEEK. Workana operates an online platform that...
Colombia establishes anti-dumping duties to import of Cylindrical metal drums with a capacity of 208 litres from Chile
Lloreda Camacho & Co and Ibarra Abogados advised on the investigation After an administrative investigation initiated by Resolution No. 009 of 30.01.17 on imports from Chile...
GL Events acquisition of 60% interst in Feria Internacional de Santiago – FISA S.A.
FerradaNehme and Barros & Errázuriz advised on the deal GL events and SNA (Sociedad Nacional de Agricultura) have finalised their agreement for acquiring 60% of FISA’s...
Hydro Extruded Solutions’ Acquisition of Arconic Indústria e Comércio de Metais aluminum extrusion business in Brazil
Veirano Advogados and Pinheiro Neto advised on the deal Hydro Extruded Solutions AS finalized the acquisition of Tubatinga Extrusora Ltda. fromArconic Indústria e Comércio de Metais...
RLH Properties’ $370.6 Million Capital Increase
Galicia advised on the transaction RLH Properties executed its $370.644 Million Capital Increase. RLH Properties, S.A.B. de C.V. operates as an asset management holding company whose...
Talanx’s €29 Million Acquisition of Assicurazioni Generali S.P.A. and Transocean Holding Corporation stake in Generali Colombia Seguros Generales S.A. and Generali Colombia Vida Compañía de Seguros S.A.
Muñoz Tamayo and Posse Herrera Ruiz advised on the deal Assicurazioni Generali S.P.A. and Transocean Holding Corporation, members of the Generali Group, finalized the sale of...
Unicon’s Acquisition of Hormigones Independencia
Albagli Zaliasnik and Larraín y Asociados advised on the deal Peruvian cement producer Unacem has purchased, via its Unión de Concreteras (Unicon) subsidiary, a 100 per...