Lefosse acted as advisor for Rumo Malha Paulista S.A., while Pinheiro Guimarães advised Underwriters on the transaction. Rumo Malha Paulista S.A. executed its 5th issuance of 1,200,000 non-convertible...
Rumo Malha Paulista’s R$1.2 Billion Debentures Issuance
BlaBlaCar’s €100 Million Revolving Facility Agreement
Lefosse acted as legal counsel on the transaction. Comuto S.A. (doing business as BlaBlaCar), as borrower, and BNP Paribas, Socie?te? Ge?ne?rale, Arke?a Banque Entreprises et Institutionnels,...
Tecnologia Bancaria’s R$280 Million Debentures Issuance
Veirano Advogados advised Tecnologia Bancária S.A., while Stocche Forbes Advogados advised the underwriters in the issuance. Tecnologia Bancária S.A. announced its public offering of the 8th...
Vero’s R$725 Million Notes Offering
Lefosse advised Vero on the offering. Vero S.A. executed its issuance of non-convertible debentures, in two series, in the total amount of BRL 400 million. BTG Pactual...
Liliana’s US$2.9 Million Notes Offering
TCA Tanoira Cassagne advised Liliana S.R.L. and the placement agents on the transaction. Liliana executed its offering of notes for a nominal value of $2.500.000.000, due March,...
Cadastra’s Acquisition of Maeztra
Gentil Monteiro, Vicentini, Beringhs e Gil Advogados acted as Maeztra’s legal counsel on the deal. Cadastra executed the acquisition of Maeztra. Cadastra is a global provider...
Troncales del Magdalena Toll Road Projects’ COP$4.3 Billion Financing
Holland & Knight advised eight financial institutions, including Bancolombia, Corporación Financiera Internacional (IFC), BID Invest, Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe (CAF), J.P....
Matera Systems Informática’s Acquisition of InfoTreasury Informática
TozziniFreire Advogados represented Matera Systems Informática, while TDV Advogados represented Private Quotaholders on the deal. Matera Systems Informática S.A. executed the acquisition of 100% of the quotas...
McDonald’s Latin America’s Franchise Agreement in Paraguay
Beccar Varela and FERRERE advised McDonald’s, while Montero Palazón & Asociados advised Developmental Licensee on the deal. McDonald’s Latin America LLC announced the negotiation and execution...
‘PARETO Series 3’ Financial Trust’s Issuance
TCA Tanoira Cassagne acted as legal advisor in the transaction. The transaction consisted in the issuance of the financial trust “PARETO Series 3” (the “Trust”), under the...
Jumasa’s R$120 Million CRA Issuance
Franco Leutewiler Henriques Advogados represented Jumasa Agrícola e Comercial and Canal Companhia de Securitização on the transaction. The transaction consisted in the issuance of agribusiness receivables...
RCI Colombia’s $53 Million Securities Offering
Holland & Knight advised RCI Colombia S.A. on the deal. RCI Colombia S.A., a leading financing company, announced its successful public offering of bonds on the...