Marval O’Farrell Mairal acted as legal advisor on the transaction. The transaction consisted in the issuance of the 24th series of financial trusts “Mercado Crédito,” for...
‘Mercado Crédito XXIV’ Financial Trusts’ US$19 Million Issuance
Opy Health’s Public Tender for the Dona Regina Women’s Hospital and Maternity Hospital
Demarest advised Opy Health on the matter. Opy Health announced the Public Tender No. 001/2024, conducted by the Tocantins State Government, through the Secretariat of Health,...
GK Partners’ Acquisition of 83% of NK Empreendimentos e Participacoes
Demarest assisted GK Partners in the transaction. GK Partners announced the acquisition of 83% of NK Empreendimentos e Participações S.A., a pre-operational company acting in the...
Sparta’s R$187,5 Million Quotas Issuance
TozziniFreire Advogados adviesse Sparta, while Monteiro, Rusu, Cameirão e Bercht Advogados advised the underwriters on the transaction. Sparta announced the third issuance of quotas of Sparta...
Agropecuária Maggi’s Agribusiness Receivables Certificates Offering
Santos Neto Advogados advised Agropecuária Maggi Ltda., while Cescon Barrieu advised Banco Safra S.A. on the transaction. Agropecuária Maggi Ltda. (AMAGGI) announced the public offering of...
Brenntag’s Acquisition of PIC Quimica e Farmaceutica
Demarest advised Brenntag on the deal. Brenntag (Holding) B.V. announced the acquisition of 100% of the quotas of the capital stock of PIC Química e Farmacêutica...
Banco BTG Pactual Chile’s $40 Million Notes Offering
Skadden acted as deal counsel in the offering. Banco BTG Pactual Chile executed the first issuance of notes under its medium-term note program. The drawdown consisted...
NTN do Brasil’s Agreement with Trialle for Real Property in Guarulhos
Demarest advised NTN do Brasil on the transaction. NTN do Brasil closed the negotiations with Trialle for the sale of the real property located in the...
Posidonia Shipping & Trading’s US$24 Million Financing
FAC LAW advised Posidonia Shipping & Trading, while Machado, Meyer, Sendacz e Opice Advogados advised the lenders on the transaction. The proceeds from the financing will...
‘Waynimóvil VI’ Financial Trust’s US$1.5 Million Issuance
Marval O’Farrell Mairal acted as legal advisor to the transaction. The transaction consisted in the issuance of the sixth series of the “Waynimóvil” financial trust for...
‘Mercado Crédito Consumo XXXV’ Financial Trusts’ US$31,6 Million Issuance
Marval O’Farrell Mairal acted as legal advisor on the transaction. The transaction consisted in the issuance of the 35th series of financial trusts “Mercado Crédito Consumo”,...
Bem Agro’s BRL15 Million Financing Round
Bronstein, Zilberberg, Chueiri e Potenza Advogados represented Suzano Ventures in the transaction. Bem Agro raised BRL 15 million in the round from Suzano Ventures, Atvos and...