Cescon Barrieu advised Repom, while TozziniFreire Advogados advised PagBem on the transaction. The combination of Edenred Repom and PagBem operations will strengthen Edenred’s leading position on...
Repom’s Combination With PagBem
Eco135 Concessionaria de Rodovias’ Project Finance
Tauil & Chequer Advogados in association with Mayer Brown advised Eco135 Concessionária de Rodovias on the deal. Eco135 Concessionária de Rodovias, a company of the EcoRodovias...
Province of Tierra del Fuego’s US$7 Million Debt Issuance
TCA Tanoira Cassagne acted as legal counsel on the transaction. The Province of Tierra del Fuego executed its debt issuance due on December 1, 2023 for a...
Metalcred XI’s US$6 Million Debt Issuance
Nicholson y Cano Abogados acted as legal advisor on the transaction. The transaction consisted in the constitution of the Metalcred XI Financial Trust and the issuance...
Fabula Content’s Series A Investment Round
Carey represented Screen One in the transaction. The fund Screen One, managed by Screen Capital, completed a strategic investment in the Series A financing round of...
Ruta 3 Automotores’ AR$300 Million Notes Offering
TCA Tanoira Cassagne acted as legal advisor on the offering. Ruta 3 Automotores S.A. issued a AR$300.000.000 offering of notes, due September, 11 2025. Balanz Capital Valores S.A.U....
Gateway Re Ltd.’s US$50 Million Notes Offering
Conyers Dill & Pearman, working alongside Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP and Sidley Austin LLP, advised special purpose insurer Gateway Re Ltd. on the matter. SageSure,...
Companhia de Eletricidade do Estado da Bahia – COELBA’s R$1.2 Billion Debentures Issuance
Machado Meyer acted as deal counsel on the transaction. Companhia de Eletricidade do Estado da Bahia – COELBA announced its 16th issue of simple debentures, for a...
Canal’s R$100 Million Real Estate Receivables Certificates Issuance
TozziniFreire advised Canal, Embraed, Genial Investimentos and Banco Genial on the transaction. Canal executed its public offering of real estate receivables certificates, in two series, in...
Asaas II FIDC’s R$42.5 Million Public Offering
Machado Meyer advised Itaú BBA on the structuring of the Asaas II Credit Rights Investment Fund. Banco Itaú BBA acted as bookrunner of the offer. Oliveira...
Ficohsa’s Acquisition of Asesuisa
Arias Law represented Suramericana in the transaction. The financial group Ficohsa announced the acquisition of the insurance company Asesuisa, owned by Suramericana since 2012. Previously, Suramericana...
Empresa Concessionária de Rodovias do Sul – ECOSUL’s R$140 Million Debentures Issuance
Lefosse advised ECOSUL and Machado Meyer advised UBS Brasil on the deal. Empresa Concessionária de Rodovias do Sul – ECOSUL announced its 5th issue of simple debentures....