Rodrigo, Elías & Medrano and Garrigues advised on the deal Sociedad Concesionaria de la Línea 2 del Metro de Lima secured a $25 Million Loan from...
Sociedad Concesionaria de la Línea 2 del Metro de Lima’s $25 Million Loan
Vulcabras Azaleia -Ce Calçados e Artigos Esportivos’s Acquisition of UA Brasil Comércio e Distribuiçao de Artigos Esportivos
Pinheiro Neto and Azevedo Sette advised on the deal Vulcabras Azaleia -Ce Calçados e Artigos Esportivos executed the acquisition of UA Brasil Comércio e Distribuiçao de...
Impulsora de Vías SMT y AM, S.A. de C.V.’s $94 Million Loan
Graham Abogados and Ritch, Mueller, Heather y Nicolau advised on the transaction Impulsora de Vías SMT y AM, S.A. de C.V. – operating as a subsiidiary...
Inversión en Renta en Bienes Raíces Fibra Prime’s Initial Public Offering
Payet, Rey, Cauvi, Pérez and Lazo, De Romaña & CMB advised on the transaction Fideicomiso de Titulización para Inversión en Renta en Bienes Raíces Fibra Prime...
Vestas’s $97.8 Million Order for its first ever Bolivian project
Moreno Baldivieso Estudio de Abogados advised on the transaction Vestas enters Bolivian market with a 108 MW order for the three wind parks, San Julián, Warnes,...
Docuformas’s Acquisition of Analistas de Recursos Globales SAPI de CV
Kuri Breña, Sánchez Ugarte y Aznar, Jones Day, Creel, Garcia Cuellar, Aiza y Enriquez and White &Case advised on the transaction Global emerging market investor Abraaj...
Empresas Gasco’s $62 Million Notes Offering
Prieto advised on the transaction Empresas Gasco executed its offering of $62 Million Notes. Itaú Corpbanca Corredores de Bolsa S.A. acted as placing agent in the...
Engie Energía Brasil’s $193 Million Notes Offering
Veirano and Cescon, Barrieu, Flesch & Barreto advised on the transaction Engie Energía Brasil – operating as a subsidiary of Engie – executed its offering of...
GrowMax Resources Corp.’s Acqusiition of Fertimar Mineração e Navegação Ltda.
Kingsdale Advisors is acting as strategic shareholder, proxy solicitation, and communications advisor to GrowMax. McCarthy Tetrault LLP and Lobo & de Rizzo Advogados are acting as...
Manutara Ventures Capital’s $500.000 Investment in Camel Secure
Carey and Alster Legal advised on the deal Manutara Ventures executed a $500 million investment in Camel Technologies, a Chilean start-up providing cyber security solutions. Manutara...
Olive Tree Ventures I’s $125 Million Round Funding
Winston & Strawn and Prieto advised on the transaction Larrain Vial Activos S.A. Administradora General de Fondos, finalize the $125 million raising of Olive Tree Ventures...
Syntonic’s acquisition of assets of the mobile commerce business unit of Zenvia Mobile Servicos Digitais
DCA – Dias Carneiro Advogados and TozziniFreire advised on the deal Syntonic Limited (SYT.ASX), a mobile platform and services provider, executed a formal binding asset purchase...