Norton Rose Fulbright has advised International Finance Corporation (IFC) and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in relation to the €215 million debt financing to...
Wind Energy Balkan Group’s €215 Million Financing for 158MW Cibuk 1 wind farm
Helical plc’s acquisition of the over-station development at Farringdon East Crossrail station, London
Clifford Chance has advised Helical plc on the acquisition from Transport for London (‘TfL’) of a proposed over-station development at Farringdon East Crossrail station, London. The...
ELEMENT Materials Technology Herne GmbH’s Acquisition of a majority stake in vohtec Qualitätssicherung GmbH
Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek advised the selling shareholders on the deal. Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek advised Frankfurt-based investment company VR Equitypartner GmbH and the other shareholders...
Eleda Acquisition AB’s Acquisition of Mark & Energibyggarna i Göteborg AB
Morris Law has assisted the sellers of Mark & Energibyggarna i Göteborg AB in connection with the sale of all shares to Eleda Acquisition AB, a...
NewRiver’s £106.8 Million Acquisition of Hawthorn Leisure Holdings
Ropes & Gray has advised global investment firm Avenue Capital Group on the deal NewRiver finalized the acquisition of Hawthorn Leisure Holdings Limited from an affiliate...
Cheung Kei Group’s Financing of the acquisition of 5 Churchill Place in London’s Canary Wharf
Walkers London has acted as BVI law counsel on two fronts in relation to the financing of Cheung Kei Group’s acquisition of 5 Churchill Place in...
Geely Group’s construction contract for the establishment of the Geely Innovation Center at Lindholmen in Gothenburg
Morris law has assisted the Geely Group with a construction contract for the establishment of the Geely Innovation Center at Lindholmen in Gothenburg – one of...
ICG’s £1.3 Billion Joint Partnership Investment with Hg into IRIS
DC Advisory, Linklaters and OC&C advised Hg Saturn. The company was advised by Arma Partners, Skadden, Deloitte and Bain & Co. Ropes & Gray has advised...
€10 billion debt issuance programme of the NORD/LB Luxembourg S.A. Covered Bond Bank
Hogan Lovells advises Norddeutsche Landesbank on the update of the EUR 10 billion debt issuance programme of the NORD/LB Luxembourg S.A. Covered Bond Bank The programme...
Antin Partners’ Acquisition of Ufinet
Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Gross Brown, Marval, O’Farrell & Mairal, Guyer & Regules, Batalla, Rodrigo, Elías & Medrano, Brigard Urrutia and Creel, García-Cuéllar, Aíza & Enríquez advised...
Getlink S.E.’s reorganisation of its legal structure
Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP is advising Getlink S.E. on the internal reorganisation of its corporate legal structure, which was initiated in 2015 with the removal of...
Klaxoon: levée de fonds de $ 50 millions
Orrick a conseillé Klaxoon dans le cadre de sa levée de fonds de $ 50 millions (série A) auprès de nouveaux investisseurs Idinvest Partners et BPI...